Tuesday 4 April 2017

A slow and awesome practice!

Yesterday I did my practice outside even though it was raining.... not a good practice but I managed.

This morning I started my practice outside, then the rain came, and took the decision to practice inside. And to my big surprise I was more focused, slower in my movement, in my breathing and in the end it was one of the best practice I ever done since I am in Thailand.

Full vinyasa practice from Dandasana, did not feel any pain, as more vinyasa were coming my body felt alive, did not really push in any asana, on the contrary I practiced all of them very slowly and after 2 full hours of practice was in my Shavasana a big smile on my face.

My yoga mat is finally doing his job, it is not slippery at all and today I did not use the yoga blanket, I was sweating like hell but as my mat was really fixed and helped me a lot for more stability I did not feel any reason to use the yoga blanket at all and it was great, specially for the backbend.

Urdhva Dhanurasana is still very hard to do, I have two choices, one keeping my arms down and grabbing the yoga mat on the side while I am lifting up my pelvis, stretching my legs and rolling on my head.

Second choice and harder is to bring my cross arms on my chest.... in this case can not really extend my lower back, legs can not stretch completely and forcing too much on the cervicales. So right now I am doing the first option.... hoping one day I will be able to do it perfectly.

Ah perfection! Actually I stopped to look for it. I do agree that my jump front are getting better (only for the standing postures) but the jumps back are still relatively pathetic, then I do what I can do, sometimes repeating the jump back before doing the next asana but in general I do accept that I will not become a "jumper ashtangi", it won't be me, I am not from that family.

I am just a dedicated Ashtangi doing her best!

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